[ Location: Music Hall

Music Hall
Date: June 4th, 2006
Double Victoire de la Musique 2006 :
«Artiste révélation scène » et « Album révélation »
Camille, nouveau phénomène de la chanson française, tricote ses textes et sa voix. Ludique, unique, folklo, barjo, Camille chante quelques amours au cœur, les deuils de l'enfance, une vie en équilibre sur un fil. En quelques notes, quelques mots, Camille nous entraîne dans un monde irréel : le sien. Peuplé de sons étranges, de bruits de voix, de paroles qui rebondissent et rafraîchissent, le monde de Camille est aussi surprenant qu’inattendu.
En concert unique, dimanche 4 juin 2006, à 21h au Music Hall
She recently released Le Fil (the thread), an album done mostly a capella, bringing songs that let you enjoy the levels of voices only if you desire to. Taking on the wire metaphor, throughout the album is a sustained vocal note, like line noise, but on top are created catchy rhythms with adorable melodies. says:
Fusing freestyle jazz, African-hued rhythms, and the melancholy strains of her native Gallic music, French songstress Camille belongs to the exotic world of alt-pop. Her creations are keen and quirky, ignoring all the rules about tempi, choruses and middle eights while remaining highly listenable (…). Her breathy, fragile, high-pitched voice means she often sounds like a child, but there's a passionate intensity beneath the surface and a kind of urchin's knowing playfulness. There are obvious comparisons with Björk, Joanna Newsom and Louise Post, but Camille is altogether more emotive, more sensual and more likeable (...) a genuine surprise, without obvious antecedents, and a quite gorgeous pop album too. -

